
Monday, August 05, 2019

Contoh Teks Explanation Tentang Bencana Alam

Explanation text adalah salah satu jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris yang menjelaskan mengenai suatu proses. Berbicara mengenai proses, teks ini hampir sama dengan procedure text. Namun, jika procedure text menjelaskan cara melakukan sesuatu (proses), teks ini menjelaskan bagaimana suatu proses tersebut terjadi. Dengan begitu, dapat kita ketahui bahwa explanation text berfungsi untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca tentang suatu proses tersebut.

Berikut contoh Explanation Text tentang Bencana Alam

How Meteor Falls 

Meteor is strange object from outer space to atmospher and we usually call it falling star. Unfortunately, phenomena of meteor falls come from one of sky object namely Meteorida. Meteorida is small objects which encircle Sun and it is known when this object move into atmosphere and heat up cause friction. Radiant gas which produce look like a star that moving or falling in sky and this sign usually call meteor phenomenon. In fact it is icident that burning from sky cause of fricton with molecul atmosphere. When meteor come into level 100 km from Earth surface, as a result volume of atmosphere quite firm and rub againts meteorite. Increasingly approach to Earth so pressure and temperature will be higher because of friction.

It is make hot effect for meteor rocks and can melt some from those rocks. Hot effect from those meteor bring when some rocks fall to earth. Hot effect from meteorite rock is not like ignition fire impact but Hot effect from meteorite only hot pressure that scorch not burn. 
Actually everyday our Earth always enrolled by strange object and cause meteor accident. Nevertheless most of meteorida has broke become dust before come into earth surface. This incident happen because of our atmosphere is a great shield so it can save our Earth from the strange object falling.

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Volcanic Eruption

Volcanic eruption is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to deposition of magma in the earth and flushed out by gas that has strong power. Volcanic eruption is one of a very powerful disasters. Almost all of the volcanic activity relate to the zone of active seismicity because it is directly connected with the plate boundary of the earth.
The volcanic eruption begins with the activity at plate boundary of the earth that sustains a significant change in pressure and temperature. So, it can make the rock material around it melted which we usually called as incandescent liquid or magma. Magma formed through exreme hot temperature in the earth bowels. At a relative depth, a very high temperature can make the entire material in the earth bowels melted.

When these materials melted, it produces gas that will mixed with with the magma. Magma that will be released by volcanic eruption formed at a depth of approximately 60 to 160 KM below the earth’s surface. Then the magma that contains gas will be under the pressure of solid rocks that are around the crater. This pressure causes the magma erupted and move out towards the earth’s surface.


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